Give us your views and have your say. Let us know if you support and like the concept, oppose the idea or have another opinion.

OK, we’re conceived Tilford Enterprise Centre. We believe this concept is a superb evolution for the old nursery and marries perfectly with the way businesses and local enterprise has been developing. We hope our vision is shared by many and the Stakeholder Tenancy option will be conclusive proof if all the units are taken. But, we are open to hear opinions and we are open to allow opinions to influence design.

Please use the form to send us your comments. These emails will be stored as normal received emails and you will NOT be entered on to a mailing database. Please do not expect a personal reply as normal however, depending on your message we may come back to you. With regard GDPR this falls as legitimate business and necessary to communicate a conversation with you. If you want to know the results of your commentary and questions please visit the website for updates, register for Blog Post Notifications or jump into the FAQs Page.

Submitted comments may be used and published on the webiste however your name and email will not disclosed.