We’re exploring the viability and market desire, design, sustainability, the pre-planning stage, planning stage and potential Stakeholder Tenancies. It’s very exciting!

A quick summary of Tilford Enterprise Centre


Look under DETAILS in the menu bar for more expansive information or start your detailed journey HERE

The Concept

Tilford Enterprise Centre will be a modern, sustainable, energy-efficient selection of affordable studios, workshops and offices, set in the beautiful village of Tilford close to Farnham, Surrey. Currently a derelict commercial site, the redevelopment and creation of Tilford Enterprise Centre will provide valuable commercial space for businesses and individuals within a picturesque setting.

The Design

With an average space of 100 square metres, each unit will have plenty of space for your business to grow without being too large. The buildings themselves will have green roofing, and a mix of rendered and wood cladded siding. Internally they will be a light and bright blank slate, so you will be able to put your stamp on it. The site will be surrounded with native trees, hedgerows, and flowers to further settle the site into the wider environment. In all aspects of the design we shall be looking for minimal carbon footprint, with some aspects maybe zero.

The Usage

Tilford Enterprise Centre will be a selection of approximately 15-20 self-contained units catering to a mix of industries, such as design studios, workshops, commercial kitchens, offices, car customisation, distillery, craft makers, and artists (to name a few!). What we hope for is an eclectic mix of enterprising businesses.

We also plan for a number of storage units to complement the studios, providing tenants and others with an additional facility.

The Strategy

This website is the first step. In the process we hope to develop the concept and evolve the design alongside finding our Stakeholder Tenants.

When ready, we will engage the LPA and start the pre-application process followed by the full planning application.


The timeframe will be worked out with the Stakeholders and as we are able to get a number of moving parts together. The process isn’t a five minute journey and there are hurdles to jump. But this will be an ‘eyes wide open’ approach with continual involvement.

Planning Application Funding

We are ‘crowdfunding’ the process by offering ‘Stakeholder Tenancies’. Each Stakeholder Tenant will for a fee secure their unit, be able to have some customisation to their unit and receive a financial benefit, exceeding their stake, in the first years rent.