Tilford Enterprise Centre Concept launches…the first couple of weeks.

TEC concept sample-6s.jpg

We’re in the third week after launching the website and already the tyres have taken grip.

Within 48 hours of launching, the Farnham Herald messaged us for more details and an articled appeared in the paper that week. The Facebook page is gaining likes and follows and various posts have at least been seen by several thousand people.

We have had a number of comments and when we have more, we’ll post here some feedback on the feedback! A quick teaser though, most are in support with only a couple opposing and one of those still thought it a good idea! The sustainability and eco ethos has struck a chord as well as the plan for purpose built workspaces of this type.

The interesting response though has been with the concept for Stakeholder Tenancies. This is an important aspect of our R&D stage on several levels. The website covers them but from a planning consideration point of view, filling the studio/workshops as part of the planning application proves demand, viability and market.

We conceived this ingredient before Covid19 but the pandemic has as we know, changed many outlooks on work life balance. We have had more enquiries for the Stakeholder Tenancies than we’ve had comments and that has suprised us, especially this early in the journey. One motivator has been people wanting to re-structure their work lifestyle.

From me personally I know half a dozen people having garden offices installed. People wanting to work from home but not be ‘in’ the home. TEC is for many a bigger step but still one contracting from the commute. In other cases enquirers have said they’re looking to grow their exisitng business but the High Street is a worry.

So far so good.


We move gently forward…