We move gently forward…

It’s been an odd year, but now just into December we can look forward to 2021 with hope that Covid-19 will affect us all less, and allow us to heal and repair whilst building our businesses and projects.

Since launching the website and our last post we have had a steady stream of enquiries for the Stakeholder Tenancy concept. We concieved the idea without any evidence of it being done before and had no real idea if it would appeal, but initial indicators are positive. Obviously it is very early days and much detail has to be layered in, plus of course, the actual costings. But it has instigated enquiries and triggered conversations.

We have learnt that there is demand for the idea of TEC. The principle of smaller, purpose designed studio/workshops in an accesible and recognisable location is desired. Even with the damage of Covid, there is a robust and enthusiastic business community driving to grow, expand or just get started!

At the moment we are just developing the proposal, gathering information and steadily pulling togther the people we need to help create the vision. So we can’t report any hurdles at the moment. No doubt they are there waiting but we’ll deal with them a little later down the road.

  • We have been speaking with architects and soon we hope to announce the chosen firm to come on board and work with us to bring the deisgns to life.

  • We have earmarked a specilist sustainability consultancy to work with us and the architect from the start, so that the green credentials are locked in at the beginnning. The environmental qualificaitons of TEC are at the heart of the project and will shape its character.

  • We have in the wings a hugely experianced commercial lease consultant, whom we will commission to develop the Stakeholder Tenancy Agreements which will tie to the Leases themselves. This consultant usually works for tenants, educating, consulting and negotiatiing to protect them from unfair leases weighted too far in the landlord’s favour. It is our intention to offer leases which are fairly balanced. It is important our relationships with our tenants are built on respect, trust and fairness.

If you’re interested in TEC please sign up to this blog for updates and if you have any comments please use the comments page to let us know your thoughts.

We hope you have a celebratory end to the year and welcome the New Year with enthusiam for getting everything on track.

Best Wishes

The Team at TEC


Introducing three team members…


Tilford Enterprise Centre Concept launches…the first couple of weeks.